Master in Public Health Leadership
In 2005, STM launched its first partnership program at Uganda Christian University (UCU) near Uganda’s capital, Kampala, aimed at reducing the obstacles to safe childbirth. This training program for leaders in Uganda leads to a Master of Public Health Leadership (MPHL) degree. It equips professionals from diverse fields to make a difference in their own spheres of influence, giving them the tools and skills they need to become strong advocates for change, and to build new societal infrastructures.
Students are working professionals who study on a part-time, modular basis over two years. They complete the program with an intensive outreach project that challenges them to re-enter their sphere of influence and prove that their newfound skills will make a difference. The program is designed so participants can continue to work while studying. During modules, students reside in the Save the Mothers Training Centre, Mirembe Hall.
The almost instantaneous profile of the Master's program, and the level of interest by applicants (most modules, more than 100 apply for 30 seats), shows the need to train people to be advocates. Professionals are recruited to the program through media advertising, information sessions and personal invitation. Students have included Members of Parliament, journalists (national newspapers, radio), teachers, clergy, military personnel, lawyers and entrepreneurs.
“When you save a mother’s life, you save the best person to raise her children, feed, clothe, vaccinate, and educate them, and also contribute to her community, her economy, her environment. Save the mothers and you can save the world.”
—Sarah Brown, Wife of former Prime Minister of the U.K.